Tuesday 12 April 2011

Cell Animation

We were set a task where we had to create a 3second cell animation.  We started by drawing simple shapes objects, animals preferable. Then once we picked a character we had to draw it on its different angles.

Finally one we did that we had to combine it with another person in our group and join both characters together to create a cell animation.


  1. Pig
  2. Turtle 


  • The 3 second cell animation is about a pig who farts and then the smell travels towards the turtles direction and it runs away. 

Here are the drawings of the simple shaped animal characters which came to mind. I looked at jelly fish, crabs, lions and pigs.

I decided to use the pig character for my cell animation and so i started drawing it at its different angles. 

I then combined it with a girl called Aimee Scott in my group. Her character was a turtle and we came up with the idea of making the turtle run by the smell of the pigs fart. We picked the main elements of both character and tried making a fun storyline. Because pigs are smelly and turtles don't run, so be combining the 2 elements together we thought we'll make a cell animation. 

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